Salutes from Araraquara!

This post contains my solution to one of the OWASP MAS Android Crackmes, namely UnCrackable L2.

Getting the APK

First of all, we need to download the APK.

UnCrackable L2 is available here.

App Behavior

After downloading and installing the APK, we run it in order to see how it behaves. After we start the app, an activity containing a single input and a button gets displayed. It looks like we’re supposed to submit a so called secret string:

If we submit the wrong secret string, then the app displays an error message:

Just as for UnCrackable L1, it looks like we’re supposed to guess the correct secret string that’ll solve the challenge.

Reversing the APK

After reversing the APK using JADX, we can follow its execution flow in order to understand where said secret string is coming from.

Here’s what .MainActivity#onCreate looks like:

/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */
/* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r0v4, types: [sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable2.MainActivity$2] */
@Override //,,,
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
    if (C0584b.m7a() || C0584b.m6b() || C0584b.m5c()) {
        m3a("Root detected!");
    if (C0583a.m8a(getApplicationContext())) {
        m3a("App is debuggable!");
    new AsyncTask<Void, String, String>() { // from class: sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable2.MainActivity.2
        /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */
        @Override // android.os.AsyncTask
        /* renamed from: a */
        public String doInBackground(Void... voidArr) {
            while (!Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) {
            return null;

        /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */
        @Override // android.os.AsyncTask
        /* renamed from: a */
        public void onPostExecute(String str) {
            MainActivity.this.m3a("Debugger detected!");
    }.execute(null, null, null);
    this.f1996m = new CodeCheck();

Here’s what happens:

  • First off, #onCreate calls a method named #init;
  • Next, it perfoms what seems like a couple of rooted device and debugger checks;
  • After that, it registers an AsyncTask, namely an asynchronous task that runs in background repeatedly. Such task seems to perform debugger checks;
  • Finally, #onCreate instantiates something called .CodeCheck.

We’ll look at each of the above in detail. First, let’s find out what #init is all about…

Well, it turns out that #init is a native method:

private native void init();

It seems to be defined in external library foo:

static {

We’ll get back to that in a minute.

After we examine the rooted device and debugger checks that follow, we can confirm our hypothesis: that’s just what they are. In fact, they’re exactly the same as the ones we have seen when we tackled UnCrackable L1, so we won’t discuss them in detail here.

Now to the asyncronous task. AsyncTask#doInBackground is looping over the following excerpt:

while (!Debug.isDebuggerConnected()) {

It calls Debug#isDebuggerConnected and, if this returns false, then the task goes to sleep for 100 milliseconds. After it wakes up, a new call to Debug#isDebuggerConnected is performed, and the process repeats over and over. Note that this prevents AsyncTask#doInBackground from returning. Shall Debug#isDebuggerConnected return true, then the loop exits and AsyncTask#doInBackground finally returns, which in turn triggers AsyncTask#onPostExecute. Such method calls #m3a with message “Debugger detected!”. In turn, #m3a displays an error message and makes the app exit:

/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
/* renamed from: a */
public void m3a(String str) {
    AlertDialog create = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
    create.setMessage("This is unacceptable. The app is now going to exit.");
    create.setButton(-3, "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable2.MainActivity.1
        @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

As for .CodeCheck, here’s what it looks like:

/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public class CodeCheck {
    private native boolean bar(byte[] bArr);

    /* renamed from: a */
    public boolean m4a(String str) {
        return bar(str.getBytes());

It’s got a single method, namely #m4a, which is a wrapper to a native method named #bar. We’ll get back to this one too.

After all this, #onCreate inflates .MainActivity’s layout. The last method in .MainActivity is #verify:

public void verify(View view) {
    String str;
    String obj = ((EditText) findViewById(;
    AlertDialog create = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).create();
    if (this.f1996m.m4a(obj)) {
        str = "This is the correct secret.";
    } else {
        str = "That's not it. Try again.";
    create.setButton(-3, "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { // from class: sg.vantagepoint.uncrackable2.MainActivity.3
        @Override // android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialogInterface, int i) {

Such method gets called whenever the user clicks .MainActivity’s “Verify” button, as per activity_main.xml:

<Button android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/button_verify" android:onClick="verify"/>

What it does is it fetches the value of edit_text, which it then passes as an argument to .CodeCheck#m4a. Depending on the value #m4a returns, #verify either displays an error message, stating that the secret is incorrect, or a success message, stating that the secret is correct and the challenge has been solved.

In order to understand how the check #m4a performs works, as well as what #init does, we’ll proceed to reversing the native library the app utilizes, namely foo.

Reversing the Native Library

First off, we need to obtain the library’s binary. In order to do that, we can simply unzip the APK and then navigate into lib/x86 to find file, which is the lib’s shared object.

Next, we just have to reverse it using Ghidra to take a look at its exports:

Among them, we find #init and #bar.


Here’s what #init’s decompiled code looks like:

void Java_sg_vantagepoint_uncrackable2_MainActivity_init(void)

  DAT_00014008 = 1;

And here’s what we’ll see if we delve into #FUN_00010720:

void FUN_00010720(void)

  __pid_t __pid;
  long lVar1;
  __pid_t _Var2;
  int in_GS_OFFSET;
  pthread_t pStack_20;
  uint local_1c;
  int local_18;
  local_18 = *(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14);
  DAT_00014004 = fork();
  if (DAT_00014004 == 0) {
    __pid = getppid();
    lVar1 = ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH,__pid,0,0);
    if (lVar1 == 0) {
      waitpid(__pid,(int *)&local_1c,0);
      while( true ) {
        _Var2 = waitpid(__pid,(int *)&local_1c,0);
        if (_Var2 == 0) break;
        if ((local_1c & 0x7f) != 0x7f) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  else {
    pthread_create(&pStack_20,(pthread_attr_t *)0x0,FUN_000106c0,(void *)0x0);
  if (*(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14) == local_18) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

Let’s break this down…

  • The first few lines of code define local variables;
  • Then comes local_18 = *(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14);. This is compiler code. Here, local_18 is used to validate that the stack hasn’t been corrupted before the function returns. The segment register (%gs) is used for that purpose. local_18 receives a reference to a stack canary stored at %gs + 0x14 and, right before the function returns, another excerpt of compiler code checks the canary’s integrity by comparing it to the value stored at local_18. If everything is okay, then the function returns normally. Otherwise, #__stack_chk_fail raises a stack overflow;
  • Then, there’s the code inbetween those constructs. First, there’s DAT_00014004 = fork();. Basically, this is a syscall to fork(2). What it does is it creates a child process by duplicating the calling process. Its return value depends on who’s observing it: DAT_00014004 will hold the PID of the child process in the parent process, and 0 in the child process. We see that the execution flow from that point onwards is different for the parent process and the child process.

Child Process

For the child process (i.e. if (DAT_00014004 == 0) {), what happens is it gets the PID of the parent process with __pid = getppid();, then uses the value in __pid to perform a syscall to ptrace(2). Basically, ptrace(2) (from man):

provides a means by which one process (the “tracer”) may observe and control the execution of another process (the “tracee”), and examine and change the tracee’s memory and registers.

ptrace(2) gets called with the following arguments:

  • PTRACE_ATTACH: means the calling process will become a tracer of the process whose PID is specified (the latter becomes the calling process’ tracee). Furthermore, from man:

    The tracee is sent a SIGSTOP, but will not necessarily have stopped by the completion of this call; use waitpid(2) to wait for the tracee to stop.

  • __pid: which is the PID of the parent process;
  • 0: same as NULL, as the third argument has no use for PTRACE_ATTACH; and
  • 0: same as NULL, as the fourth argument has no use for PTRACE_ATTACH.

So basically, what the child process is doing is it’s attaching to the parent process. Next, what it does is it checks the return value of the call to ptrace(2), which should be 0 if everything is okay.

Next, the child calls waitpid(2), just like man ptrace oriented, as a means to wait for the state transition of the parent process. The child process gets suspended until this happens, then continues execution and enters the following infinite loop:

while( true ) {
    _Var2 = waitpid(__pid,(int *)&local_1c,0);
    if (_Var2 == 0) break;
    if ((local_1c & 0x7f) != 0x7f) {
                /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

It then restarts the parent process with ptrace(PTRACE_CONT,__pid,0,0);, and then starts monitoring parent process state changes with _Var2 = waitpid(__pid,(int *)&local_1c,0);, by suspending itself until a parent process state change happens.

When a state change happens to the parent process, the child process checks local_1c for the status of the change in question to determine if it corresponds to a termination by delivery of a signal (both macros WTERMSIG and WIFSTOPPED – see man waitpid – will respond to 0x7f), in which case the child process exits.

If a different status occurs, the child process simply calls ptrace(PTRACE_CONT,__pid,0,0);, which in turn restarts the parent process.

Parent Process

As for the parent process (i.e. else {), it’ll create a new thread with the following arguments:

  • &pStack_20: this is a buffer where the ID of the newly created thread will be stored;
  • (pthread_attr_t *)0x0: same as NULL, so the new thread is created using default attributes;
  • FUN_000106c0 refers to the function the new thread calls to start its execution; and
  • (void *)0x0: same as NULL, meaning no arguments are passed to #FUN_000106c0 as the new thread calls it.

That being said, here’s what #FUN_000106c0 looks like:

void FUN_000106c0(void)

int local_20 [6];

if (local_20[0] == 0xb) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
    pthread_exit((void *)0x0);
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

What this function does is it waits for state changes to happen to the child process (remember DAT_00014004 resolves to the PID of the child process here) with waitpid(DAT_00014004,local_20,0);. After a state change happens, the parent checks for the status of the change in question by looking at local_20[0] to determine if it corresponds to a termination by delivery of a signal (both macros WTERMSIG and WIFSTOPPED – see man waitpid – will respond to 0xb), in which case the parent process exits.

So What’s All This About?

It turns out this thing works as a protection to debugging. As a matter of fact, after one process has been attached to another one, it can no longer be attached to additional processes, so a debugger wouldn’t be able to attach to it.

We can now get back to the second exported method in foo, namely #bar.


Here’s what method #bar looks like:

Java_sg_vantagepoint_uncrackable2_CodeCheck_bar(int *param_1,undefined4 param_2,undefined4 param_3)

  char *__s1;
  int iVar1;
  undefined4 uVar2;
  int in_GS_OFFSET;
  undefined4 local_30;
  undefined4 local_2c;
  undefined4 local_28;
  undefined4 local_24;
  undefined2 local_20;
  undefined4 local_1e;
  undefined2 local_1a;
  int local_18;
  local_18 = *(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14);
  if (DAT_00014008 == '\x01') {
    local_30 = 0x6e616854;
    local_2c = 0x6620736b;
    local_28 = 0x6120726f;
    local_24 = 0x74206c6c;
    local_20 = 0x6568;
    local_1e = 0x73696620;
    local_1a = 0x68;
    __s1 = (char *)(**(code **)(*param_1 + 0x2e0))(param_1,param_3,0);
    iVar1 = (**(code **)(*param_1 + 0x2ac))(param_1,param_3);
    if (iVar1 == 0x17) {
      iVar1 = strncmp(__s1,(char *)&local_30,0x17);
      if (iVar1 == 0) {
        uVar2 = 1;
        goto LAB_00011009;
  uVar2 = 0;
  if (*(int *)(in_GS_OFFSET + 0x14) == local_18) {
    return uVar2;
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */

By examining the decompiled code, we find that #bar performs a rather promising string comparison using iVar1 = strncmp(__s1,(char *)&local_30,0x17);. Namely, #bar compares its string argument (which is param_3, to whom __s1 seems to point) against something (referenced by local_30). This something, very likely, is the secret string we’re after. Now, if we take a look at what is stored between local_30 and local_1a, we find that it points to a string, namely:

In other words:


This is Hex ASCII. We can use Burp Decoder to decode it to readable format:

Or “Thanks for all the fish”. This is, indeed, the secret string we’ve been looking for:

Wrap Up

This is it. We’ve successfully extracted the secret string using plain good old static analysis and Ghidra.

Have a good one! :)